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Butterfly Gardening

  • Information pertaining to the life history patterns, host range and habitat associations of various butterflies is essential prior to designing the garden.

    • There are two major phases in the life cycle of butterflies- a juvenile or caterpillar stage which feeds on foliage of specific plants and an adult (butterfly) stage which feeds at flowers on nectar or sap of over-ripe fruits, sappy exudations from plants or the fluid content of excreta of animals and birds.

    • Citrus, Albizia, Cassia, Cinnamomum, Aristolochia, Milk weeds, Tylophora, Wattakakka and Mussaenda are the common larval host plants that can be introduced for attracting various butterflies found in Kerala. Ixora, Lantana, Mussaenda, Marigold, Cuphea, Zinnia and Clerodendron are some common nectar plants favoured by many species of butterflies. Common Mime, Common Rose, Crimson Rose, Lime Butterfly, Blue Mormon, Southern Birdwing, Glassy Blue Tiger, Blue Tiger, Dark Blue Tiger, Emigrants and Grass Yellows are some butterflies that can be easily sustained in the butterfly garden. As the butterfly population increases, a variety of organisms including praying mantis, spiders, lizards and birds also colonise the area leading to a stabilization of habitats and better functioning of ecosystems.

    • Butterflies require specific eco-climatic conditions. Temperature ranging from 24-26° C and 85-95% relative humidity are suited for most butterflies. Habitats having bright sunshine, shade, bushes, streams and ponds, lianas and tall trees are preferred by specific groups of butterflies. For maintaining appropriate ecoclimatic conditions, it is essential to set up ponds, waterfalls, streams, bushes, openings etc., in the garden area. Information boards as well as models depicting butterfly life can be set up in the garden for providing information on the life of butterflies.

    • Since most of the butterfly host plants are confined to natural patches of vegetation, it is important to conserve such types of vegetation which is usually found along roads, rivers and open landscapes. As we conserve these habitats, we are indirectly conserving a variety of native plants and animals as well.

Typical design of a butterfly garden:

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