Information on the biology and ecology of insect pests is
required for scientific pest management. For this, laboratory
and field studies are necessary. Based on the information
generated, appropriate pest management strategies could be
Pest Management
Various pest management strategies such as application of
pesticides, cultural methods or biological control can be
adopted. Chemical control of several forest pests have been
adopted which include management of Albizia bagworm
Pteroma plagiophleps, Albizia bark caterpillar
Indarbela quadrinotata, Gmelina tingid
Tingis beesoni, Anthocephalus defoliator etc.
Application of biological control is also quite promising for
tackling various forest pests. Biological control is the use of
natural enemies for regulating insect pest populations. Natural
enemies may be predators, parasites or pathogens. The following
topics were covered.
Model prototype project for commercial mass production of
biological control agents.
Guidelines for the biological control of insect pests of
forest and priority crops.
Mass rearing techniques for the multiplication of biological
control agents of insect pests.
Guidelines for the involvement of private sector to start mass
production of biological control agents.
Sanitary and phytosanitary (SPS) measures
SPS measures are quarantine and biosecurity measures undertaken
for protecting human, animal and plant life from risks arising
from the introduction, establishment and spread of pests and
diseases and from risks caused by toxins and contaminants in
food and feed. The following topics were covered.
- SPS Agreement
- Protocol for conducting plant pest surveillance
- Insect collection techniques and database preparation
- Insect sampling methods
- Pest risk assessment
- Database for insect collections
- Plant quarantine protocol
- Documentation of insect pests of agricultural crops
- Documentation of forest insects
Preparation of insect pest lists for potential priority crops
subject to market access negotiation/export
- Documentation of seed pests and their control
- Documentation of timber beetles and their management