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Scientific Papers, Reports, Articles and Books

Forest pests
  1. Mathew, G. 1980. Occurrence of Sylepta derogata Fb. (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae) as pest of balsa (Ochroma pyramidale) in Kerala, India. Entomon, 5 (1): 71-72.
  2. Nair, K. S. S., Mathew, G. and Sivarajan, M. 1981. Occurence of the bagworm, Pteroma plagiophelps Hampson (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) as a pest of the tree Albizia falcataria in Kerala, India. Entomon, 6 (2): 179-180.
  3. Mathew, G. and Nair, K. S. S. 1983. The bagworm, Petroma plagiophlephs Hamp. (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) spreads to the ornamental tree Delonix regia (Boj.) Rafin in Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 6 (3): 240-241.
  4. Mathew, G. and Nair, K. S. S. 1985. Insects associated with forest plantations of Paraserianthes falcateria in Kerala, India. Malaysian Forester, 48 (3): 200-205.
  5. Mathew, G. 1986. Insects associated with forest plantations of Gmelina arborea Roxb. in Kerala, India. Indian Journal of Forestry, 9 (4): 308-311.
  6. Mathew, G. 1991. Biology, seasonal population trends and impact of the teak carpenterworm Alcterogystia cadambae (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae). Ann. Entomol., 9 (2) : 39-46.
  7. Nair, K. S. S. and Mathew, G. 1992. Biology, infestation characteristics and impact of Pteroma plagiophleps Hampson, in forest plantations of Paraserianthes falcataria, a bagworm pest of Albizia falcataria in Kerala, India. Entomon, 17 (182): 1-13.
  8. Brijesh, C.M. and Mathew, G. 2014. Impact of human disturbance gradient on the Lepidopteran diversity in a tropical montane forest habitat, p. 173-188. In: Mujeeb Rahman and Mary Anto (Eds.), Forest Entomology: Emerging Issues and Dimensions, pp. 201, Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.
  9. Mathew, G. and Sudheendrakumar, V. V. 1992. Outbreak of Udonga montana (Distant) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) on bamboo in natural forests and adjoining plantations in Wynad, Kerala. BIC-Bulletin, (2): 17-18.
  10. Pathummal Beevi. S., Jagadeesh Kumar, T. N., Suma, A.; Usha, K. E. and Mathew, G. 1993. New record of Anigraea albomaculata Hamp. (Lepidoptera; Noctuidae), as a pest of cashew in Kerala. Cashew, 7 (3): 14-15.
  11. Mathew, G. and Seethalakshmi, K. K. 1998. A new report of Achroia grisella Fb. (Lepidoptera: Galleriidae) as a seed pest of bamboo reed (Ochlandra ebracteata Raizada & Chatterjee). Entomon, 23(3): 239- 240.
  12. Mathew, G. 2011. Insect pest problems in trial plantations of Acacias in Kerala, India. Ann. For. 19(1): 137-149.
  13. Mathew, G., Rugmini, P. and Mahesh Kumar, M. 2002 (appeared in 2005). Impact of cardamom plantation programmes on insect species diversity - a study in the Nelliyampathy forest, Kerala, India. Annals of Entomology, 18 (2): 29-41.
  14. Mathew, G. 1988. Cossid pests of teak in the Asian region and the possibilities of their control. Proc. of IUFRO Workshop, pp. 204-207, Bangkok.
  15. Mathew, G. and Nair, K.S.S. 1986. Bagworms (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) of Kerala- Their potential as pests of tree crops. Proceedings of IIIrd Oriental Entomology Symposium, Trivandrum, pp. 163-167.
  16. Nair, K.S.S., Mathew, G., Varma, R.V. and Sudheendrakumar, V.V. 1986. Insect pests of eucalypts in India. In: Eucalypts in India- past, present and future, KFRI. pp. 325-335.
  17. Mathew G. and Varma, R. V. 1988. Occurrence and pest status of some insects attacking bamboos in newly established plantations in Kerala. Pro. of Intl. Bamboo Workshop, pp. 195-198.
  18. Mohandas, K., Mathew, G., Nair K.S.S. and Menon, A.R.R. 1988. Pest incidence in natural forests- a study in moist deciduous and evergreen forests of India. Proc. of IUFRO Workshop, Bangkok, pp. 129-134.
  19. Nair, K.S.S. and Mathew. G. 1990. Priorities in forest entomological research in India. Proc. of IUFRO World Congress, Montreal, Vol. 2, pp. 279-284.
  20. Mathew, G. and Rugmini, P.1996. Impact of the borer Alcterogystia cadambae (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in forest plantations of teak in Kerala, India. Proc. IUFRO Symposium on Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests, pp.304-310.
  21. Mathew G., Rugmini P., and Binoy C. F. 2003. Impact on Forest fire on Insect species Diversity- A study in the Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India. Entomon 28(2): 105-114.
  22. Jose, P.A., Pandurangan, A.G. and Mathew, G. 2004. Insect pest incidence on natural populations of Gluta travancorica a rare and endemic tree species of southern Western Ghats. Journal of Non-Timber Forest Products, 11(2): 99-102.
  23. Jose, P.A., Pandurangan, A.G. and Mathew, G. 2004. Insects associated with population dynamics of Ochreinauclea missionis – a rare and endemic tree species of the Western Ghats. Journal of Non timber Forest Products, 11(3): 166-169.
  24. Mathew, G., Rugmini, P. and Sudheendrakumar, V.V. 2004. Effect of plantation programmes on insect species diversity - A study in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Entomon, 29(4): 361-372.
  25. Nair, K. S. S., Varma, R. V., Mathew, G., Sudheendrakumar, V.V. and Mohanadas, K. (1996). Perceived impact of insect pest problems in forest plantations in Kerala. Proc. IUFRO Symp., pp. 317-323.
  26. Mathew, G. 1997. Distribution, infestation progression rate and host range of the teak carpenter worm Alcterogystia cadambae Moore (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in Kerala, India. Proc. Int. Teak Symp., pp.86-92.
  27. Mathew, G. 1998. Some aspects of biology and ecology of the bark caterpillar Indarbela quadrinotata in forest plantations of Paraserianthes falcataria. Proc. of the Tenth Kerala Science Congress, pp. 406-407.
  28. Chacko, K.C., Pandalai, R.C., Seethalakshmi, K.K., Mohanan, C., Mathew, G. and Sasidharan, N. 2002. Manual of Forest Trees, Bamboos and Rattans. Kerala Forest Research Institute, 331 p.
  29. Nair, K. K. N., Menon A. R. R., Bhat, K. V., Mathew, G., Ali, M. I. M. and Pandalai, R. C. 1991. Selected indigenous species for future plantation programmes in Kerala, 193 p. (Project sponsered by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India)
  30. Nair, K. S .S., Mathew, G., Mohanadas, K. and Menon, A.R.R. 1986. A study of pest incidence in natural forests. KFRI Research Report No. 44, 28 p.
  31. Mathew, G. 1993. A status survey of insect fauna of Malayattoor forest, pp. 135-158. In: Chand Basha, S. and Nair, K.K.N. (Eds.) 1993. Baseline studies for the proposed Nature Study Centre at Kalady in Malayattoor Forest Division. KFRI Research Report, 248 p.
Timber pests / Timber preservation
  1. Mathew, G. 1987. Insect borers of commercially important stored timber in the State of Kerala, India. J. stored prod. Res. 23 (4): 185-190
  2. Gnanaharan, R., Mathew, G., Damodaran, T. K., 1983. Protection of rubber wood against the insect borer Sinoxlon anale Les. (Coleoptera: Bostrychidea). J. Ind. acad. Wood Sci. 14 (1): 9-11.
  3. Mathew, G. and Nair, K.S.S. 1988, Storage pests of Bamboos in Kerala. Proc. of the Intl. Bamboo Workshop, pp. 212-214.
  4. Mathew, G., Nair, K.S.S. 1994. Factors influencing susceptibility of stored reed (Ochlandra travancorica Gamble) to infestation by Dinoderus borers (Coleoptera : Bostrychidae). Proc. 6th. Kerala Science Congress, Trivandrum, pp. 78-80.
  5. Mathew, G., Maria Florence, E. J. and S. Ananthanarayanan. 2002. Prophylactic treatment of rubber wood for protection from pests and pathogens, pp. 27-30.In: Gnanharan, R., Tharian George, K. and Dhamodaran, K. (eds.), Rubber wood processing and utilization. Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India.
  6. Mathew, G. 2010. Wood boring beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) in the Kerala part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India, pp.109-240. In: (Ed.) Gupta, Rajiv, K., Advancements in Invertebrate Taxonomy and Biodiversity, Agrobios (International).
  7. Mathew, G. 1982. A survey of beetles damaging commercially important stored timber in Kerala. KFRI Research Report No. 10, 92 p.
  8. Gnanaharan, R. and Mathew, G. 1982. Preservative treatment of rubber wood (Hevea brasiliensis). KFRI Research Report No. 15, 16 p.
  9. Nair, K. S. S., Mathew, G. and Varma, R.V. 1983. Preliminary investigations on the biology and control of beetles damaging stored reed. KFRI Research Report No. 19, 35 p.
  10. Mathew, G. 2022. Insect borers of bamboo and their management, p. 349-358. In: R. Sunderaraj (Ed.). Science of wood degradation and protection. Springer Nature Singapore Pte. Ltd. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-8797-6_11
  11. Mathew, G. 2004. A study of wood boring beetles in the Kerala part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. KFRI Research Report No. 260, 52 p
Taxonomy/ fauna/ biodiversity
  1. Mathew, G. 1984. Occurrence of an unusual type of frenulum in Pycnarmon caberalis Guen. (Lepidoptera: Pyrustidae). Entomon, 9(3): 223.
  2. Mathew, G. and Menon, M. G. R. 1984. The pyralid fauna of Kerala. Jl. Ent. Res., 8 (1): 5-13.
  3. Mathew, G. and Menon M. G. R. 1985. External genitalia of some Indian pyralids. Jl. Ent. Res., 9 (1): 26-35.
  4. Mathew, G. 1985. Variations in the wing venation of Pteroma plagiophleps Hampson (Lepidoptera: Psychidae ). The Jl. of Res. on the Lepidoptera, 24 (4) : 359-363.
  5. Mathew, G. and Menon M. G. R. 1986. Identification of some leaf rollers belonging to the genera Bradina, Marasmia and Cnaphalocrosis (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae). Entomon, 11 (4) : 311-317.
  6. Mathew, G. 1987. Biosystematics in Lepidoptera and its importance in forest entomological research. Proc. Indian acad. Sci (Ani. Sci.), 96 (5): 613-616.
  7. Mathew, G. and Menon, M. G. R. 1988. Identification of some Indian Pyraustinae. Enomon, 13 (1): 75-90.
  8. David, B. V., Jesudasan, R. fW. A. and Mathew, G. 1988. Description of a new species of genus Aleurolobus Quaintance and Baker (1984) (Aleurodidae: Homoptera). Jl. of Bombay Natural History Soc., 85 : 165-167.
  9. Mathew, G. and Menon, M. G. R. 1989. Identification of some Indian Pyraustinae. JI. ent. Res., 13 (1): 76-89.
  10. Nair K. S. S. and Mathew, G. 1993. Diversity of insects in Indian forests the state of our knowledge. Hexapoda, 5 (2): 71-78
  11. Binoy, C. F. and Mathew, G. 1998. Occurrence of Gaena atkinsoni Distant (Homoptera: Cicadidae) in the Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India. Insect Environment, 4(2): 39-40.
  12. P.V. Suresh, Sudheendrakumar, V. V., Binoy, C.F., Mathew, G. and Narendran, T.C. 1999. The macro hymenopteran fauna of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. Zoo’s Print, XIV: 1-2.
  13. Mathew, G. Rashmi Chandran, Brijesh, C.M. and Shamsudeen, R.S.M., 2003. Insect fauna of Shendurny Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Zoos’ Print Journal, 19(1): 1321-1327.
  14. Mathew, G., Shamsudeen, R.S.M., Chandran, R. and Brijesh, C.M. 2004. Insect fauna of Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Zoos’ Print Journal, 19(11): 1680-1683.
  15. Mathew, G. 2009. Insect diversity of New Amarambalam Reserve Forest in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Biosystematica, 3(2): 37-63.
  16. Mathew, G., Shamsudeen, R. S. M., and Rashmi Chandran. 2005. Insect fauna of Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Zoos ’print Journal, 20(8): 1955-1960.
  17. Francy, C. F. and Mathew, G. 2006. The noctuid fauna (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) of Kerala (India). J. Zool. Soc. Kerala, 11(1&2): 36-50.
  18. Francy, C. F. and Mathew, G. 2006. Genitalial morphology of some species of the subfamily Catocalinae (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Millenium Zoology, 7(1):5-9
  19. Mathew, G. and Rugmini P. 2009. Biodiversity in relation to land use pattern: a case study with reference to insects in the Kerala part of Western Ghats. p. 96-100.
  20. Shamsudeen, R.S.M and Mathew, G. 2010. Diversity of Butterflies in Shendurny Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala (India). World Journal of Zoology, 5 (4): 324-329, 2010.
  21. 28. Shamsudeen, R.S.M and Mathew, G. 2010. Taxonomic studies on the subfamily Psychinae (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) of Kerala, India. World Journal of Zoology, 5 (4): 330-331, 2010.
  22. Mathew, G. 2011.Taxonomic studies on the satyrid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) of Kerala. Souvenir of celebration of International Day of Biological Diversity & Centenary of Fischer Herbarium, pp. 40-62, 22 May, 2011, IFGTB, Coimbatore.
  23. Mathew, G. 2012. Biodiversity and conservation implications of mangroves. (Abstract only). Invited talk in National Seminar on Mangrove Biodiversity and Conservation, SN College, Alathur, 16-17 Feb. 2012.
  24. Binoy, C. F., Mathew, G., Sudheendrakumar, V.V. and Narendran, T.C. 1999. Macrohymenopteran fauna of the Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India. Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science, 28(1): 38-46.
  25. Muraleedharan, P. K., Manoharan, T. R. and Mathew, G. 2001. Economic valuation of biodiversity: problems and prospects. Tropical Forestry Research: Challenges in the New Millenium, pp. 273-281.
  26. Mathew, G. 2004. Insect diversity of India and its conservation. Proceedings on “National Seminar cum Workshop on butterfly diversity of Western Ghats”, pp. 9-19.
  27. Mathew, G. 2004. Biodiversity Documentation for Kerala. Part 7: Insects. Kerala Forest Research Institute, 281 p.
  28. Nair, K.K.N., Ramachandran, K.K., Mohanan, C., Mathew, G., Muktesh Kumar, Jayson, E.A., Yashodharan and Jayachandran, K.V. 2005. Biodiversity of Thrissur District (Kerala State). Kerala Forest Research Institute, 255 p.
  29. Mathew, G. 1993. A status survey of the insect fauna of Malayatoor forests (Kerala). Advances in Forestry Research in India, 9: 46-71.
  30. Mathew, G. 1996. Biosystematics of insects and its application in biocontrol programmes, pp.103-106. In: Biological and Cultural Control of Insect Pests, an Indian scenario. In: Dunston P. Ambrose (Ed.), Adeline Publishers, Tirunelveli.
  31. Mathew, G., Mohanadas, K. and Brijesh, C.M. 2001. Insect fauna of the sholas of Idukki and Wayanad Districts, pp.317-339. In: Nair, K.K.N., S.K. Khanduri and K. Balasubramanian (eds.), Shola Forests of Kerala, KFD and KFRI, 453 p.
  32. Mathew, G. 2010. Taxonomic studies on the geometrid moths (Lepidoptera: Geometridae) of Kerala, India, pp. 241-287. In: (Ed.) Gupta, Rajiv, K., Advancements in Invertebrate Taxonomy and Biodiversity, Agrobios (International).
  33. Mathew, G. and R. S. M. Shamsudeen, 2014. External genitalial morphology of Microheterocera recorded from the Kerala part of the Western Ghats, p. 85-119. In: Mujeeb Rahman and Mary Anto (Eds.), Forest Entomology: Emerging Issues and Dimensions, pp. 201, Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.
  34. Mathew, G. 2004. Documentation of forest insect diversity- Kerala scenario: an appraisal. Perspectives on Biosystematics and Biodiversity. T.C. Narendran Commemoration Volume, SERSA, Calicut. pp. 99-113.
  35. Mathew, G. 2005. An overview of the insect fauna of Kerala State, pp.121-128. In: State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP). Prepared under “The National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP) India. Kerala Forest Research Institute, 405 p.
  36. Mathew, G., Sudheendrakumar, V. V., and Rugmini, P. 1998. Insect biodiversity in disturbed and undisturbed forests in the Kerala part of Western Ghats. KFRI Research Report No. 135, 113 p. (Project sponsored by WWF- India).
  37. Sudheendrakumar, V. V. and Mathew, G. 1999. Studies on the diversity of selected groups of insects in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. KFRI Research Report No. 165, 77p.
  38. Mathew, G. 2001. Insect fauna of the shola forests of Munnar and Wynad. KFRI Research Report No. 206, 42p.
  39. Mathew, G. 2002. Insect diversity of New Amarambalam, pp.105-139. In: Sharma, J. K., Nair, K.K.N., Mathew, G., Ramachandran, K.K.Jayson, E.A., Mohanadas, K., Nandakumar, U. N. and Nair, P.V.K. 2002. Studies on the biodiversity of New Amarambalam reserved forests of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. KFRI Research Report No. 247, 230 p.
  40. Mathew, G. 2002. An inventory of the insects of Shenduruny Wildlife Sanctuary. KFRI Consultancy Report No. 4, 24 p.
  41. Mathew, G. 2002. An inventory of the insects of Neyyar and Peppara Wildlife Sanctuaries. KFRI Consultancy Report No. 5, 24 p.
  42. Mathew, G. 2005. Report on the visit to the Shola National Park. Part I. Mathikettan Shola. In. Menon, A.R.R., Sasidharan, N., Balagopalan, M., Mathew, G., Ramachandran, K.K., and Jayson, E.A. KFRI Extension Report No. 15, 29 p.
  43. Mathew, G. 2005. Report on the visit to the Shola National Park. Part II. Mannavan Shola. In. Menon, A. R. R., Sasidharan, N. Balagopalan, M., Mathew, G. Ramachandran, K.K. and Jayson, E.A. KFRI Extension Report No. 15, 66 p.
  44. Mathew, G. 2005. Report on the visit to the Shola National Park. Part III. Pambadum Shola. In. Menon, A. R. R., Sasidharan, N., Balagopalan, M., Mathew, G., Ramachandran, K. K. and Jayson, E. A. KFRI Extension Report No. 15, KFRI Extension report No. 15, 38 p.
  45. Mathew, G. 2005. Biodiversity of Thrissur District pp. 130-198. In: Nair, K. K. N., Ramachandran, K. K., Mohanan, C., Mathew, G., Jayson, E. A., Yasodharan, K. and Jayachandran, K. V. KFRI Extension Report No. 17, 255
  46. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Ernakulam District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(1), 95 p.
  47. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(2), 124 p.
  48. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Kollam District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(3), 114 p.
  49. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Alappuzha District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(4), 84 p.
  50. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Idukki District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(5), 146 p.
  51. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Malappuram District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(6), 121 p.
  52. Nair, K. K. N. and Mathew, G. 2010. Biodiversity Documentation of Kozhikode District, Kerala State. KFRI Extension Report No. 33(7), 99 p.
  53. A. R. R. Menon, G. Mathew, E. A. Jayson and Thomas P. Thomas 2010. Assessment of ecologically fragile land in Seetharkundu of Kollengode Range, Nemmara Forest Division. KFRI Extension Report No. 36, 40 p.
  1. Mathew, G. and Rahamathulla, V. K. 1993. Studies on the butterflies of Silent Valley National Park. Entomon, 18 (384): 185-192.
  2. Revathy, V. S., Mathew, G., Sasidharan, N. and Muhammad Anaz, K. 2014. A note on the occurrence of Bindahara phocides (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) as a fruit borer of Salacia fruticosa Heyne ex Lawson at Peechi, Kerala, India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 111(3), Sept-Dec 2014.
  3. Revathy V. S. and Mathew, G. 2013. Role of niche breadth and resource availability on the life history of butterflies: a case study at Peechi, Kerala. Biosystematica, 7 (2): 43-46. http://www.tcntrust.org/journal.php
  4. Revathy V. S. and Mathew, G. 2014. Seasonal fluctuations of butterfly population: a study in butterfly garden at Peechi, Kerala, India. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology, 7(1): 29-35. DOI 10.5958/j.2230-732X.7.1.005. http://www.indianjournals.com
  5. Revathy V. S. and Mathew, G. 2014. Identity, biology and bionomics of the Common Mormon, Papilio polytes Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology, 8 (1): Ver. IV,119-124.DOI. 10.9790/2402-0814119124.http://www.iosrjournals.org
  6. Narayanankutty, T. P., Revathy V. S. and Mathew, G. 2014. Diversity and distribution of butterflies in the Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary. International Journal of Engineering Research & Science & Technology, 3 (1): 85-106. http://www.ijerst.com
  7. Revathy V.S. and Mathew, G. 2014. Taxonomic segregation of the Swallowtails of the genus Graphium (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae) of Kerala part of Western Ghats using morphological characters of external genitalia. Journal of entomology and zoology studies, 2 (4): 72-77.
  8. Soumya K. C., Sajeev, T.V., Mathew, G. 2014. A new report of Erionota thrax (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Hesperiidae) as a pest of plantain in Kerala (India). Entomon, (in press).
  9. Mathew, G. and Soumya, K. C. 2013. Biosystematic study of the Satyrinae (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) fauna of Kerala, India. Entomon, 38(2): 65-96.
  10. Sudheendrakumar, V. V., Binoy, C. F., Suresh, P. V. and Mathew, G. 2000. Habitat associations of butterflies in the Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc., 97(2): 193-201.
  11. Mathew, G. and Binoy, C. F. 2002. Migration of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) in the New Amarambalam reserve forest of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Zoos’ Print Journal, 17(8): 844-847.
  12. Mathew, G. and Mary Anto 2007. In situ conservation of butterflies through establishment of butterfly gardens: a case study at Peechi, Kerala, India. Current Science, 93(3): 337- 347.
  13. Mathew, G. and Unnikrishnan, P. 2009. Biology of the Palm King Amathusia phidippus, an extremely rare and endangered butterfly of peninsular India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 106 (1): 118-120.
  14. Revathy, V. S. and Mathew, G. 2013. Seasonality of Rhopalocera (Lepidoptera) species in the butterfly garden at Nilambur in Kerala, southern India. Colemania, 35:1-9.
  15. Mary Anto and Mathew, G. 2004. Population monitoring of the southern birdwing butterfly Troides minos Cramer in the Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary. Proceedings on National Seminar cum Workshop on butterfly diversity of Western Ghats”, p. 48-51.
  16. Mathew, G. 2010. Developing biologically rich spaces in urban environments. pp. 32-39. In: Seminar on Joining Hands to Conserve Kerala’s Biodiversity: International Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2010, Cochin.
  17. Mathew, G. 2010. Butterfly Gardening. p. 56-59. In: Seminar on Joining Hands to Conserve Kerala’s Biodiversity: International Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2010, Cochin.
  18. Mathew, G. 2010. Butterfly Gardening. p. 56-59. In: Seminar on Joining Hands to Conserve Kerala’s Biodiversity: International Biodiversity Day, May 22, 2010, Cochin.
  19. Mathew, G. 2010. Trade of invertebrate organisms and its implications. Seminar on “Recent issues in Wildlife Trade & Conservation” St. Aloysius College, Trichur, 22 Jan. 2010.
  20. Mathew, G. 2012. "Butterfly gardens as a conservation cum ecotourism venture: a case study at Peechi, Kerala, India” (Abstract only). Fourth Asian Lepidoptera Conservation Symposium, Nankai University, Tianjin, China (10-14 June, 2012).
  21. Mathew, G. 1999. Butterflies and moths of Silent Valley National Park, pp.291-296. In: Silent Valley-Whispers of Reason, Kerala Forest Department.
  22. Mathew, G. 2014. A Photographic Guide to Butterflies of Kerala, 228 pp. Thenmala Ecotourism Promotion Society, Trivandrum.
  23. Mathew, G and Elizabeth George. 2021. Butterfly Gardening: Theory & Practices. Brillion Publishing, New Delhi, 214 p.
  24. Jafer Palot, Mathew, G. and Zacharias, V. J. 1997. Butterflies of Periyar Tiger Reserve, Kerala, India. Advances in Forestry Research in India, XVII, pp.188-204.
  25. Mathew G. and Mahesh Kumar M. 2003. State of the art Knowledge on the butterflies of Nilgiris Biosphere Reserve, Envis (Wildlife and Protection areas): Conservation of Rainforests in India, Vol.4 (1): 115-120.
  26. Mathew, G., Elizabeth George and Mary Anto, 2013. Role of butterfly gardens in promoting biodiversity conservation and ecotourism, p. 87-97, In: V.P. Uniyal and Aseem Srivastava (Eds.) 2012. Arthropods and their Conservation in India (Insects & Spiders), Envis Bulletin, Wildlife and Protected Areas, Vol. 14 (1), 2011 Printed in 2013, Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun, India.
  27. Mary Anto and Mathew, G. 2014. Butterflies and forest management in the Western Ghats: The indicator approach, p. 189-201. In: Mujeeb Rahman and Mary Anto (Eds.), Forest Entomology: Emerging Issues and Dimensions, pp. 201, Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.
  28. Binoy, C.F. and Mathew, G. 2014. Distribution and community structure of butterflies in the Silent Valley National park, Kerala, India, p. 161-171. In: Mujeeb Rahman and Mary Anto (Eds.), Forest Entomology: Emerging Issues and Dimensions, pp. 201, Narendra Publishing House, Delhi.
  29. Mathew, G. 2006. Development of butterfly farming enterprises vis-a vis conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity. KFRI Research Report No. 286, 50 p.
  30. Mathew, G., Sharma, J. K. and Easa, P. S. 2006. Monitoring biodiversity in selected landscapes in the Kerala part of the Western Ghats. KFRI Research Report No. 283, 183 p.
  31. Mathew, G. 2011. A Handbook on the Butterflies of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. KFRI Research Report No. 398, 161 p.
  32. Mathew, G. 1990. The lepidopteran fauna of Silent Valley (pp. 13-53). In: Ecological Studies and long term monitoring of biological processes in Silent Valley National park, 193 p. (Project sponsored by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India)
  33. Mathew, G. 2001. Development of Butterfly Farming Enterprises vis-à-vis conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity. KFRI Research Report No. 286, 44 p.
  34. Mathew, G. 2015. A Database of Forest Insects of Kerala. KFRI Research Report, 30 p
  35. Mathew, G. 2010. Identification of Satyrine butterflies of Peninsular India through DNA barcodes. Component: Morphological and taxonomic studies. KFRI Research Report No. 371, 33 p.
  36. Mathew, G. Sajeev, T.V. and Mohanadas, K. 2010. Establishment of a butterfly garden in the Teak Museum Complex, Nilambur for promoting eco-tourism and public awareness on nature conservation. KFRI Research Report No. 344, 30 p.
  37. Mathew, G. 2010.Taxonomy of Microlepidoptera. KFRI Research Report No. 361, 100 p.
Insect rearing, monitoring
  1. Mathew, G., Sudheendrakumar, V.V., Mohandas, K and Nair, K. S. S. 1990. An artificial diet for the teak defoliator Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). Entomon, 15: (3 & 4): 159-163.
  2. Nair, K. S. S., Mathew, G. 1984. Dried tapioca tuber for laboratory rearing of the bamboo borer Dinoderus minutus Fb. (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae). Material und Organismen, 19 (1): 49-54.
  3. Damodaran, T. K., Mathew, G., Gnanaharan, R. and Nair K. S. S. 1986. Relationship between starch content and susceptibility to insect borer in the bamboo reed, Ochlandra travancorica. Entomon, 11 (4): 215-218.
  4. Nair, K. S. S., Sudheendrakumar, V.V., Sajeev, T. V., Mathew, G., Mohanadas, K., Varma, R. V. and Sivadas, T. 2004. A solar light trap for monitoring forest insect populations. Entomon, 29(2): 111-117.
  5. Mathew, G. 1998. Mass rearing of selected butterflies for possible reintroduction in conservation programmes. KFRI Research Report No. 146, 44 p.
Ecology / Climate change
  1. Mathew, G., Mathew P. Koshy and Mohanadas, K. 1987. Preliminary studies on the insect visitors to teak (Tectona grandis) inflorescence in Kerala, India. The Indian Forester, 113 (1): 61-64.
  2. Mathew, G., Rugmini, P. and Jayaraman, K. 1989. Studies on spatial distribution of the teak carpenter worm Cossus cadambae Moore (Lepidoptera: Cosidae). Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera, 28(12): 88-96.
  3. Mohanadas, K., Mathew, G. and Narendran, T. C. 2009. Insect pollinators of teak (Tectona grandis) in Kerala. Indian Journal of Forestry, 32(3): 451-456.
  4. Mathew, G. 1997. Insects as biotic indicators to monitor changes in forest ecosystems – a study with reference to moths in the Silent Valley National Park, India. J. Zool. Soc. Kerala, 6 & 7: 25-29.
  5. Mathew, G. 2013. Effect of climate change on insects: An analysis of responses with special reference to forest insects, p. 150-158. In: J. Sundaresan, S. Sreekesh, A.L. Ramanathan, Leonard Sonnenschein and Ram Boojh, 2013. Climate Change and Environment, 284 pp., Scientific Publishers, Jodhpur, India.
  6. Nair, K. K. N., Ramachandran, K. K., Anita, V., Mohanan, C., Mathew, G., Menon, A. R. R., Jayson, E. A., Thomas P. Thomas, Vijayakumaran Nair, P., Sivaram, M. and Yeshodharan, K. 2013. Ecosystem structure, dynamism, biodiversity, human dimensions and their linkages of Iringole Sacred Grove in the Western Ghats of India. KFRI Research Report No. 466, 159 p.
  7. Mohanadas, K., Mathew, G. and Indira, E.P. 2002. Pollination ecology of teak in Kerala. KFRI Research Report No. 225, 36 p.
  8. Mathew, G. 2005. Rehabilitation of Degraded forests through landscape based participatory approach In: Jose Kallarackal, Chandrasekhara, U.M., Vijayakumaran Nair, P., Mathew, G., Ramachandran, K.K., Mammen Chundamannil, Aitha, V., Induchoodan, N.C., Babu, T., Srivasthava, P. and Thomas, M.L. 2005. KFRI Research Report No. 272, 161 p.
Insect Pest Management
  1. Varma, R.V., Mathew, G., Mohanadas, K., Gnanaharan, R. and Nair, K. S. S. 1988. Laboratory evaluation of insecticides for control of the bamboo borer, Dinoderus minutus and D. ocellaris (Coleoptera: Bostrychidae). Material und Organismen, 23 (4): 281-288.
  2. Varma, R.V. Mohanadas, K., Mathew, G., Nair, K. S. S. 1989. Evaluation of some common insecticides against Peteroma plagiophleps Hamp., a bagworm pest of Albizia falcataria. Indian Journal of Plant Protection, 17: 89-90.
  3. Mathew, G. 1993. Injection and implantation some systemic insecticides in the control of the teak carpenter worm, Alcterogystia cadambae. Journal of Tropical Forestry, 9 (II): 148-151.
  4. Mathew, G. and Rugmini, P. 1998. Control of the bark caterpillar Indarbela quadrinotata in forest plantations of Paraserianthes falcataria. Indian J. Environ. and Toxicol. 8(1): 37-40.
  5. Mathew, G. and Rugmini, P. `2009. Ecology, infestation status and possible management of the teak Carpenter Worm Alcterogystia cadambae (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in forest plantations of teak in Kerala. Envis Forestry Bulletin, 9(1): 112-122.
  6. Nair, K.S.S., Sudheendrakumar, V.V., Mohanadas, K., Varma, R.V., Mathew, G., Mathew P. Koshy and Kedharnath, S. 1997. Search for teak trees resistant to the defoliator, Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae), pp.109-122. In: (Ed.) Raman, A., Ecology and Evolution of Plant-Feeding Insects in Natural and Man-Made Environments, International Scientific Publications, New Delhi.
  7. Nair, K. S. S., Kedharnath, S., Mathew P. Koshy, Sudheendrakumar, V.V., Mohanadas, K., Varma. R. V. and Mathew, G. 1989. Search for resistance in teak. KFRI Research Report No. 62, 32 p.
  8. Mathew, G. 1990. Biology and Ecology of the teak trunk borer Cossus cadambae Moore and its possible control. KFRI Research Report No. 68, 41 p.
  9. Nair, K. S. S. and Mathew, G. 1987. Biology and control of insect pests of fast growing hardwood species. KFRI Research Report No.51, 35 p.
  10. Mathew, G. 1997. Management of the bark caterpillar, Indarbela quadrinotata in forest plantations of Paraserianthes falcataria. KFRI Research Report No.122, 24 p.
Nursery pests / management
  1. Nair K. K. N, C. Mohanan and Mathew, G. 2006. Seed and plantation technology of five selected tree species of multiple end uses indigenous to Indian Peninsula. Bois forets des Tropiques (France) 285 (3): 17-23.
  2. Nair, K. K. N., Mohanan, C. and Mathew, G. 2005. Preliminary observations on seed and plantation technology for Garcinia gummigutta (Guttiferae): an indigenous and economic tree crop of the Indian Peninsula. Forests, Trees and Livelihood, 15: 75-87.
  3. Mathew, G. 1993. Nursery pests of selected indigenous tree species and their management in Kerala, India. Diseases and Insects in Forest Nurseries, Dijon (France), Ed. INRA, Paris (1994), pp. 145-151.
  4. Sharma, J. K. and Mathew, G. 1999. Diseases and insects in forest nurseries in India and their Managment. Proc. of IUFRO Workshop 2.07.09, Victoria, Canada, pp. 61-68.
  5. Mathew, G. 2005. Nursery pest problems on some native tree species in Kerala Province, India. Working papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute, 11: 31-36.
  6. Nair K.K.N., Mohanan, C. and Mathew, G. 2005. Plantation technology and field performance of five selected tree species of multiple end-uses, indigenous to Indian Peninsula. In: Parrotta, A. John, Henri-Felix Maitre, Daniel Auclair and Marie-Helene Lafond (Eds.) Meeting the Challenge: Silvicultural research in a Challenging World. IUFRO World Series No. 15. IUFRO Headquarters, Vienna, Austria. pp. 113-115.
  7. Nair, K. K. N., Mohanan, C. and Mathew, G. 2002. Plantation technology for nine selected indigenous tree species of Kerala State. KFRI Research Report No. 231, 110 p.
Natural enemies / Biological control
  1. Mathew, G. 1981. A new report of Pentalitomastix nacoleiae Eady (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae) as a polyembryonic parasite of Parotis vertumnalis Guen. (Lepidoptera: Pyraustidae) in Kerala, India. Entomon, 6 (2): 125.
  2. Mathew, G. 1985. Some coleopteran predators associated with timber pests in Kerala. Entomon, 10 (2): 179-181.
  3. Mathew, G., Ali, M. I. M. 1987. Microbial pathogens causing mortality in the carpenterworm Cossus cadmbae Moore (Lepidoptera, Cossidae), a pest teak (Tectona grandis) in Kerala (India). Journal of tropical Forestry, 3 (IV): 349-351.
  4. Mathew, G. 1989. Ntural enemies of the bagworm, Pteroma plagiophleps (Lepidoptera: Psychidae) in Kerala, India. Entomon, 14 (3 & 4): 335- 38.
  5. Mathew, G. 1985. Natural enemies of some timber borers in Kerala and their possible role in regulating pest incidence. Proc. Natl. Sem. Entomph. Ins. Calicut. pp. 170-175.
  6. Ali, M. I. M. and Mathew, G. 1989, Occurence of Beauveria bassiana on sapling borer Sahyardrassus malabaricus (Lepidoptera: Hepialidae) in Kerala, India, Curr. Sci., 56(16); 931-932.
  1. Ghosh, S. K., Ali, M. I. M., Balasundaran, M., and Mathew, G. 1983. Redarator bimaculatus, a possible vector for sandal spike in Kerala. Intl. J. Tropical plant diseases, 1: 197-198.
Sanitary and Phyotosanitary (SPS) Protocol
  1. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Sanitary and Phyotosanitary (SPS) Agreement. Report submitted to ADB, 34 p.
  2. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. A protocol for conducting plant pest surveillance. 2020. Report submitted to ADB, 25 p.
  3. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Insect collection techniques and database preparation. Report submitted to ADB, 45 p.
  4. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Insect sampling methods. Report submitted to ADB, 33 p.
  5. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Insect Pest Risk assessment. Report submitted to ADB, 29 p.
  6. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Plant quarantine protocol. Report submitted to ADB, 52 p.
  7. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. A manual on insect pests of agricultural crops of GMS countries. Report submitted to ADB, 315 p.
  8. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. A manual on forest insect pests of GMS countries. Report submitted to ADB, 136 p.
  9. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Seed pests and their control. Report submitted to ADB, 17 p.
  10. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Timber beetles and their management. Report submitted to ADB, 18 p.
  11. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Capacity development of the Entomology Department of Plant Protection Centre, Vientiane. Report submitted to ADB, 45 p.
  12. Mathew, G. & Siamphay Langoudom 2020. Insect pest list for potential priority crops subject to market access negotiation/export. Report submitted to ADB, 59 p.
  13. Mathew, G. & Sysomephone Yangnouvong 2021. Model prototype project for commercial mass production of biological control agents. Report submitted to ADB, 41 p.
  14. Mathew, G. & Sysomephone Yangnouvong 2021. Guidelines for the biological control of insect pests of forest and priority crops. Report submitted to ADB, 35 p.
  15. Mathew, G. & Sysomephone Yangnouvong 2021. Mass rearing techniques for the multiplication of biological control agents of insect pests. Report submitted to ADB, 34 p.
  16. Mathew, G. & Sysomephone Yangnouvong 2021. Guidelines for the involvement of private sector to start mass production of biological control agents. Report submitted to ADB, 32 p.
Extension Bulletins
  1. Plantation Technology for Calophyllum polyanthum. KFRI Information Bulletin 18.
  2. 2Plantation Technology for Dysoxylum malabaricum. KFRI Information Bulletin 19.
  3. Plantation Technology for Garcinia gummigutta. KFRI Information Bulletin 20.
  4. Plantation Technology for Gmelina arborea. KFRI Information Bulletin 21.
  5. Plantation Technology for Grewia tiliaefolia. KFRI Information Bulletin 22.
  6. Plantation Technology for Haldina cordifolia. KFRI Information Bulletin 23.
  7. Plantation Technology for Lagerstroemia microcarpa. KFRI Information Bulletin 24.
  8. Plantation Technology for Melia dubia. KFRI Information Bulletin 25.
  9. Plantation Technology for Vateria indica. KFRI Information Bulletin 26.
Popular Articles
  1. Mathew, G. 1984. An insect pollinator boosts fruit setting in oil palm. Evergreen, 12:15.
  2. Mathew, G. 1985. Pest control using pheromones. Evergreen, 15: 19-23.
  3. Gnanaharan, R. and Mathew, G. 1983. Preservative treatment of rubber wood (in Malayalam). Rubber, 1983 (Nov.): 3-19.
  4. Mathew, G. 1985. Pest control using pheromones. Evergreen, 15: 19-23.
  5. Mathew, G. 1986. The teak carpentrworm Cossus cadambae and its status as a pest in plantations. Evergreen, 17: 29-31.
  6. Mathew, G. and Mahesh Kumar, M. 1996. Some rare butterflies of Kerala. Evergreen, 36: 7-8.
  7. Mathew, G. 1992. Butterfly farming. Evergreen, 29: 4-5.
  8. Mathew, G. 1997. Insect diversity in Silent Valley National Park. Evergreen, 38: 4.
  9. Mathew, G., Rashmi Chandran and Shamsudeen, R.S.M. 2004. Aggregation of butterflies in the Butterfly Garden at KFRI. Evergreen, 50: 4.
  10. Mathew, G. 2010. Butterflies- their significance and conservation (Malayalam). Aranyam, 08, p. 6-8.
  11. Mathew, G. 2009. Butterfly Gardens (Malayalam). Karshakan Annual Issue, p. 72-74.

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